Cochin Cardiac Club

Health Blog by Dr.Uday Nair



  • The fact that vitamin D prevents cancer is now so well known.Vitamin D prevents 77% of all cancers, after all. That's as close to a "cure" for cancer as you'll ever get (and it's free, too, since you can make it yourself!).

  • In fact, most people suffering from heart disease are chronically deficient in vitamin D. By correcting their vitamin D levels (through sunlight exposure or by taking vitamin D3 supplements), people can simultaneously halt cancer and prevent heart disease, too.

  • Diabetes, both type-1 and type-2, are profoundly linked to low vitamin D levels. Obesity, heart disease,hypertension and stroke are inversely related to sunlight exposure and vitamin D levels.

  • Psoriasis, eczema, and periodontal disease are lessened by sunlight exposure and high serum vitamin D. Fertility is positively influenced by sunlight exposure and high vitamin D levels.

  • Sunlight enhances immune system function by producing vitamin D. Dozens of disorders other than those mentioned in this summary are related to vitamin D deficiencyVitamin D increases both calcium and phosphorus absorption and has also been reported to increase absorption of aluminum. Increased blood levels of calcium (which may be a marker for vitamin D status) have been linked to heart disease

  • Osteoporosis is closely correlated to heart disease. Vitamin D deficiency could certainly be a factor in both, because there is a strong inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and artery calcification; the more D in the blood, the less the calcification. Artery cells have vitamin D receptors (VDR), which when stimulated by vitamin D, inhibit the incursion of calcium

  • Because of the lack of sunlight, you don't have enough active vitamin D, so your body pumps up your cholesterol in the hope of converting as much as possible to active vitamin D. This serves as another example of an evolutionary trade-off between procreation and longevity. To protect us from deficiencies of vitamin D, we've evolved to have higher levels of cholesterol. So now we survive to mate and to be able to stand up strong and look good, only to be felled by high LDL cholesterol and consequent heart disease and stroke
  • Poor vitamin D status has been linked to increased risk of breast, prostate and colon cancers, osteoporosis and other bone disorders, Type 1 diabetes, arthritis, infertility, PMS, chronic fatigue and depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, multiple sclerosis, musculoskeletal pain, and heart disease.

  • People should remember the total daily intake of vitamin D includes vitamin D from fortified milk and other fortified foods, cod liver oil, supplements that contain vitamin D, and sunlight. People who receive adequate sunlight exposure do not need as much vitamin D in their diet as do people who receive minimal sunlight exposure. Ironically, the few foods that contain vitamin D are mostly items that have fallen out of favor thanks to   orthodoxy's fanatical anti-fat and cholesterol campaign, such as cod liver oil, butter, whole milk, liver and egg yolks.

  • Men who are deficient in vitamin D were found to have more than double the normal risk of suffering a heart attack or dying even after all other possible risk factors such as hypertension, obesity and high levels of blood fat were excluded. Population in areas with less intense sunlight and lower levels of vitamin D  have higher numbers of heart disease than sun-filled areas. In additon, more heart attacks occur in the winter months, when sunlight is scarce.
  • To ensure adequate supplies of vitamin D, get at least 20-30 minutes  of sun exposure on the face and hands each day. If that is not possible, take  1,000-4,000 IU of vitamin D supplements daily. Do not take more than  recommended dosage  of vitamin D daily or take the supplement for more than six months; excessive use of vitamin D is associated with atherosclerosis and heart disease. Vitamin D is needed for calcium to enter bones, and a deficiency of this vitamin is a major risk factor for both osteoporosis and bone fracture

PLEASE NOTE-While exposure to 20-30 minutes of sunlight can provide up to 10,000 IU, it is important to use sunscreen and avoid the hottest parts of the day in order to avoid sunburn and the harmful UV rays associated with skin cancer

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