Yoga is an alternative system of healing, its power being widely harnessed to prevent and treat various diseases of the heart. Yoga is undoubtedly a reliable avenue for holistic health.
Disease is a manifestation of underlying disharmony in the mind- body domain. Yogic way of life offers a solution to elevate the health of body, mind and soul. Yoga is a cure for many diseases - diabetes, obesity and psychiatric illnesses - as much as it offers immense benefits to alleviate heart diseases.
Yoga has an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases that includes recurrence of heart attacks, hypertension and coronary heart diseases. Yoga influences the hypothalamus directly, the area of the brain that controls endocrine activity, and helps prevent heart attacks.
Blockage in the arteries slows down the pace of the blood, thereby resulting in complications such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and so on. Stress and diet are the primary causes for this disease. Yoga enhances the flexibility of the body, thereby helps to control blood pressure, arterial blocks and so on. Yoga provides relief from stress, which is the primary contributing factor for coronary artery disease. Yoga cannot cure a condition, though it helps a great deal to overcome the same.
A complete yoga program involves exercises (asanas),breath control(pranayama), sleep control(yoga Nidra) and mind control(meditation).These are the tenets for cardiac health; also probably the reason why cardiologists universally, recommend yoga to their patients. The curative benefits of yoga enhances heart health, lowers blood pressure, reduces chronic stress, boosts the immune system and enhances cognitive ability.
Heart of the Matter
Heart disease is a problem of modern times. It is psychosomatic in nature. Improper lifestyle, faulty diet and negative thinking play an important part in triggering heart disease. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions affect our body and mind. Negative emotions spark chemical processes throughout the entire body. Any irritation in the lining of arterial walls - which includes high levels of fat in the blood, smoking and high blood pressure- can trigger heart diseases,
Vedic wisdom in yoga lays emphasis on four aspects that have a direct bearing on health. They are:
Achaar (character and conduct): It stands for moral virtues - truthfulness, chastity, compassion and kindness.
Vichaar (perception or the way we think): The way we think influences our way of life. Develop a positive outlook in life and remove negative thoughts from the mind.
Vyayahaar (the way we behave):It pays to replace undesirable habits with positive ones. If we fear change and cling to old, negative habits, we cannot succeed in yoga.
Ahaar (diet or the food we eat): Food sustains our body. What we eat affects our mind directly. Intake of proper and healthy food nourishes body and mind. Avoid over- eating and eat in moderation.
Any imbalance in any of these aspects results in disharmony of body, mind and soul. This paves the way for diseases.
In addition, mental relaxation through meditation and yoga contribute immensely in offsetting arteriosclerosis (coronary artery blocked due to the deposition of fats on the inner walls of the heart). Thus, owing to its many positive effects- direct and indirect on the cardiovascular system, yoga assumes a pivotal role in heart care.
The corpse pose or Bhujangasana helps to reduce the stimulants of heart disease, which is stress. In case of any pain or fatigue, stop and relax.
Kapalabhati is an effective technique in individuals with heart problems. It is a pranayama technique that involves rapid breathing procedure. It increases the volume of oxygen absorption in a very short span.
Increase in oxygen increases the blood supply to the heart. The diaphragm is under control, when practicing this asana. It improves the functioning of the respiratory system. A rich supply of oxygen rich blood makes the heart healthy. It is effective for heart related problems and for diabetes.
Tadasana or the yoga mountain pose is the fundamental for all postures. It is a standing asana. Stand with your feet apart. Inhale and keep them apart in a slow manner. Rest your shoulders and allow your arms to hang on the sides, the palm facing the floor. Lighten your upper body and look at the roof. Relax your jaws and face. Remain for thirty seconds and relax. It improves the alignment of the body and ensures balance and stability.
Yoga for People suffering from Diabetes and Heart Problems
Diabetes is controlled to a great extent by yoga. Surya namaskar or sun salutation is very effective to control diabetes. Nadi shodhan or alternative nostril breathing is a kind of pranayama technique that aids in decreasing the blood glucose levels. Meditation also proves effective against diabetes. Pranayama has a sedative effect and thereby reduces stress levels. Bikram yoga and Hatha yoga also helps to alleviate diabetes. Yoga Nidra when practiced thrice a day proves beneficial. Shavasana, single leg raises, surya namaskar, double leg raises, shoulder stretches, matsyasana and ardha matsyendrasana are other asanas that help in individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus. Kapalabhati, relaxation pose and anuloma viloma also proves beneficial
The information provided in this article is intended to educate the reader about certain medical conditions and certain possible treatment.
The techniques and suggestions presented in this article are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice. Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program. COCHIN CARDIAC CLUB assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques.COCHIN CARDIAC CLUB does not recommend Yoga exercise for pregnant or nursing women or for children under 16 years of age. If you are elderly or have any chronic or recurring conditions such as high blood pressure, neck or back pain, arthritis, heart disease, and so on, seek your physician’s/cardiologists advice before practicing.
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